Shepherd's Light

Pastors Rick and Randi Sikora
Pastor Rick and Randi Sikora were married in October 2021. Together they have three children: Max, Ricky, and Asia, as well as two grandchildren. Since they were joined in holy matrimony, they have been working hard to fulfill the purpose God placed on their hearts and lives. Pastor Rick and Randi met through work in October of 2020, where they were friends for 6 months and then dated for 6 months. When God confirmed they should become a three-string cord, they planned a wedding in 3 weeks. With the help of the Lord, it was a success. God had His hands all over their wedding and marriage. Their first journey was to Tampa Florida, to sit under the anointing of Pastor Rodney Howard Browne and his wife Adonica. Their next journey was to West Virginia to serve at an outreach with Jonathan Shuttlesworth of Revival Today Ministries. In January, they felt the Lord direct their paths to Jonathan's upcoming church. They joined Revival Today Church when Jonathan and Adalis Shuttlesworth launched in Pittsburgh. They both became members and served as volunteers there for a year.
During their time at Revival Today Church, the two of them started doing their own outreaches in the inner city. That summer there were 115 salvation and tremendous testimonies that developed as a result of them following the leading of the Holy Spirit. In October of 2022, the two of them went back to Tampa, Florida, and they were licensed under Revival Ministries International Ministerial Associations (R.M.I.M.A.). Since then, the Lord has accelerated them. Pastor Rick had a dream from the Lord that turned into a road trip to Kentucky. On his journey there he felt the Lord was directing and confirming their paths to New Castle and Lawerence County of Pennsylvania. Shortly after that, the Lord opened the door for them to purchase a church in that area without any assistance from the world financial system. The church building had everything that God told them they would need to do the calling He has placed on them to further His kingdom. After the viewing of the church, He provided evidence that they were on the correct path of the Lord. The Bible tells us there is power in the sending, and that a specific calling is to a geographic location. For Pastor Rick and Randi Sikora, there calling was to the geographic location of New Castle, Lawerence County. One major thing God provided in the purchase of the building was a full café, which they believe is a significant part of their calling and will be the first of many inner city cafés in the Pittsburgh area.
Before they met, Pastor Rick was the founding and Assistant Pastor at an inner city ministry for over 10 years. Rick purchased the building before being saved, and at the time, it was being leased to a man that sold drugs and stolen merchandise out the store front area. During this time, Rick was unsaved and lost in the world. After receiving salvation, in February of 2011, Rick had a radical transformation and turned the place into a Christian candy shop, which led to a Christian coffee shop known as The Word Café. That café led to a full-time inner city ministry. The ministry he aided in establishing was in an area of Pittsburgh known for drug activity. It was referred to as OD Road because there were more drug overdoses in this area at that time than anywhere else in Pittsburgh. At one point, this ministry that Rick worked hard to help establish was featured in a Pittsburgh Press article about being the only “shining light” in the area. This is where he grew and served the Lord for over ten years. During this time, the Lord started to open Rick's eye to the true Word of God. When the pandemic commenced, Rick’s eyes were truly opened, and he decided he could not follow a false doctrine any longer. In his opinion, there was a Spirit of Religion over the ministry, and he decided he had no other choice but to leave the ministry and resign.
As for Pastor Randi, she was saved when she was 10 years old, and then she rededicated her life to the Lord in 2014. Her grandmother influenced her spiritually, and that is how she grew to know the Lord. Randi’s grandmother also taught her how to work hard. Her grandmother led by example when it came to working each day for Jesus. This example led to her starting and running her own business in 2019. Prior to this, Pastor Randi was the Life Group Coordinator for 2 years where she transitioned into the Network of Hope Coordinator for 2 years at her home church in Beaver County. This is where she gained her organization skills through organizing the Summer Feeding Program, Serve Day, and many other programs. She also played a critical role in getting the program Dave Ramsey Financial Peace started at this campus. In 2016, she was baptized before heading on her first mission trip. Randi has been on 3 mission trips that helped church launches in the U.S. In 2019, she went on her first international trip to Africa. This is where she first encountered: signs, wonders, and miracles for the first time. Hebrews 2:4 states, “God also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.” During this international miracle trip, she realized that the Book of Acts is still alive today. Randi not only saw these miracles, signs, and wonders overseas, but has incorporated them into her personal life. She and Pastor Rick believe miracles, signs, and wonders are critical to the body of Christ and are also implementing them into the Shepherd’s Light Ministry.
As you can see, there is tremendous fruit and credibility from Shepherd’s Light Ministry. Know that when you partner with this ministry, your money is going towards advancing the kingdom of God. We want to thank you in advance for all your prayers and generous support that have aided in funding the church and ministry outreaches. Your contribution is imperative to helping us tell the good news to those in the New Castle and the Tri-State Area. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 declares, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” May God bless you and your finances as you give to our ministry.